
Pastor Brian K. Baker received a vision from God, using Matthew 25: 35, 36 as a foundation, to begin seeking to develop a mechanism that would enhance and empower the community.  As such, Victorious Living Outreach Center, Inc.,  ("VLOC") was formed in  2007.  The organization's philosophy is simple: "VLOC does not do things for people, instead equips them with the necessary tools so they can do for themselves."  VLOC seeks to "Provide The Keys For Victory" by demonstrating compassion and uplifting the residents of Jacksonville, Arkansas.  This is achieved through three main areas:  Economic Empowerment, Educational Empowerment, and Wellness Programs.

Economic Empowerment

VLOC provides training and support for small businesses, youth entrepreneurship, and assisting with clientele to find affordable housing and employment opportunities.

Educational Empowerment

VLOC provides educational opportunities to youth and adults through training and career development.

Wellness Programs

VLOC will assist with helping clientele in seeking drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, clinical services to the underserved, and provide health education programs/events.